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Economic Development Strategy 2030

Final Economic Development Strategy 2030

The final Cook Islands Economic Development Strategy 2030 (the Strategy) was released on 22 January 2021 and is available for download below, along with written submissions received on the Consultation Draft Strategy and a summary consultation report

Public consultation on draft Economic Development Strategy 2030

The draft Cook Islands Economic Development Strategy 2030 (the Strategy) has been released for public consultation.

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is seeking feedback on the draft Strategy by 11 December 2020.

The Economic Development Strategy identifies actions that create the foundations for our economic development over the next decade. It is our plan for how we will transform our economy. As we recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19, we want to rebuild an economy that is more resilient, equitable and sustainable.


The draft strategy was informed by a comprehensive public consultation across the Cook Islands, including visits to Pa Enua and a National Economic Development Conference in Rarotonga in November 2019. MFEM also consulted directly with many individual stakeholders representing agency, business, industry and community interests.


We want to know what you think about our plan for the economy over the next ten years.


Please provide your written submissions on the draft Strategy by 11 December 2020:



For further information please contact the MFEM Economic Planning Division on 29511. 

Economic Development Conference

The Cook Islands Government hosted the Economic Development Conference 2019: Working together to build quality growth on 15th November 2019 at the National Auditorium. The Conference will inform the development of the Economic Development Strategy 2030 (the Strategy). This followed consultation with the Pa Enua and Rarotonga communities and a broad cross-section of business, industry and community stakeholders.


The Conference gathered more than 160 delegates, a cross-section of leading Cook Islands business, community and government representatives, to discuss their vision of a future Cook Islands economy, and the key economic development constraints to be addressed, and opportunities to be pursued, along the way to further that vision. The Conference, and other consultation, will inform a draft Strategy that is expected to be released for public consultation in February 2020, with the Strategy expected to be finalised in July 2020. 


Conference papers


A number of papers and consultation summaries prepared for the Conference are available below, along with a record of stakeholder contributions.

The Strategy

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is undertaking an Economic Development Strategy (EDS) during 2019/20. The strategy is designed to address cross-cutting economic issues, with the aim of creating an economic environment that supports sustainable economic development over the next 10 years. The strategy is intended to be informative, involving a comprehensive and realistic assessment of the current challenges and opportunities facing the economy. The EDS will provide guidance for government decision-making over the medium and long-term.


The Economic Planning Division of MFEM are currently in the process of drafting information papers to inform public consultations. 

Following the drafting of information papers, public consultations will be undertaken, both in Rarotonga and the Pa Enua, culminating in an Economic Conference. The aim of these consultations will be to initiate discussions on the Economic Development Strategy and to gather further information on the challenges facing the economy. This will be followed by drafting of the Strategy and further public consultations prior to the official release which is anticipated in early 2020.

Labour Market & Business Confidence Survey

MFEM has launched a survey to help inform the Strategy. Emails with details of the survey have been sent to a range of businesses in Rarotonga and the Pa Enua. We would appreciate business support in completing the survey. Responses will be treated confidentially and close on the 1st September 2019. 

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