We wish to remind all visitors that it is mandatory for ALL marine craft (including yachts) visiting the Cook Islands to arrive at and depart from a designated Customs port.
Customs, Immigration, Bio-Security and Te Marae Ora (Health) formalities must be completed at these ports before any further travel is undertaken in the Cook Islands. Any failure to comply with these regulations, is an offence under the Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act 2012.
Island Location | Name of Port | Status |
Rarotonga | Avatiu Wharf | ACTIVE |
Aitutaki | Arutanga Wharf | ACTIVE |
Atiu | Taunganui WHarf | ACTIVE |
Manihiki | Tukao Wharf | ACTIVE |
Manihiki | Tauhunu Wharf | ACTIVE |
Pukapuka | Yato Wharf | ACTIVE |
Penrhyn | Omoka Wharf | ACTIVE |
Note: Mangaia, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston, Rakahanga, Nassau, Suwarrow, Manuae, and Takutea are NOT designated Customs Ports
For more information on these requirements please visit https://www.mfem.gov.ck/marine-crafts